Saranac Waterfront Lodge

Accessibility Statement

Saranac Waterfront Lodge is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards. We engage in efforts necessary to meet online usability and web page design requirements recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1.


For the purposes of this policy, Saranac Waterfront Lodge will use the Worldwide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1, Level AA Conformance (WCAG 2.1 Level AA) as “the Standards.” We use software tools to regularly test and evaluate the accessibility of our website and to make improvements by partnering with National Compliance Group.

Recognizing the ongoing evolution of current web content and technologies, National Compliance Group will continue to test our site on an ongoing basis for accessibility and report accessibility issues for this website. Any features found to be inaccessible will be addressed in a timely manner.


Throughout this website, we make use of different third-party applications and websites. These applications and websites, which are not controlled by {Company Name}, may present challenges for individuals with disabilities that we are not able to control or remedy.


If you encounter any page on our site that presents a challenge for individuals with disabilities, please submit your feedback. Saranac Waterfront Lodge accepts calls from relay services. You may also request any modifications to our policies, practices and procedures. Please contact us at or (518) 619-4000.

ADA Property features:

  • Accessible public entrance
  • The registration desk is 36” high. Hotel has a mobile check in/concierge desk and able to accommodate anyone at a registration desk or seated area
  • Accessible route from the public entrance to the registration area and accessible rooms.
  • Accessible elevator. Accessible route to the elevator from the public entrance, registration desk and rooms.
  • Accessible emergency exit and exit plan.

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